

这个问题很有意思,是关于证券投资的定义的讨论。 美国证券交易委员会在SEC.GOV上的定义是这样的:"Securities" includes any notes, securities and other instruments in which investments may be made but shall not include bank deposits or collections from the public.(12a-1)


另外,我还发现了一个资料,可能能帮助我们更好的理解这个问题。它就是由国际证监会组织所编写的《国际证券监管原则》(Principle for Regulatory Oversight of Securities Markets,1995)的第6部分,其中对第4条的原则作了如下的解释: The principle is that investors should have access to regulated organized markets where they can purchase and sell a wide range of investment securities, including equities, bonds , funds, derivatives (including futures), money market instruments as well as certificates of deposit and other financial assets issued by entities subject to supervision by competent authorities, at prices determined by supply and demand. These organised markets should provide facilities for dealing with these financial assets on an order-driven basis, through trading and settlement systems that ensure price discovery and liquidity. Such markets also allow for fair disclosure of information so as to enable investors adequately to value their holdings. Moreover, there needs to be transparency over the rules, operations and organisation of such markets and an appropriate regulatory framework within which they operate. This means that adequate regulations need to ensure effective investor protection, including consumer protection, and efficient operation of those markets. 这个原则是说投资者应该有权进入受到管制的有组织的交易市场购买和买卖各种各样的投资证券,例如股本证券\债券\基金\衍生品\现金管理凭证等以及由主管当局管辖之机构发行的其他金融资产,这些价格是由需求和供给来决定得。 有组织的交易市场应提供下述设施:第一,通过按订单驱动机制交易的系统来进行买卖;第二,通过定价与清算与结算系统进行价格的发现与流动性供应;第三,公正地公开信息以便给予投资人足够的时间评价他们的持有物。还要透明化各种市场的规则、操作及结构,并且要有一个适当的管理体制和法律框架来支持它们的运作。这意味着要有足够的法规来保护投资者的利益并包括消费者的权利,同时有效率的运行各种市场,这一点也很重要。


1. 受到管制的有


对于这个问题我举一个例子来谈谈我的看法吧,假设你手里有10万,你的父母给你买了一台车(价值5万元)并帮你支付了按揭费用和第一年保险费用,那么这5万元的财产是你的还是父母的呢? 很明显是你们的共同财产啊!因为汽车的使用权已经归你们所有了嘛!同样道理,如果我把钱委托给您们帮我进行证券交易的话,您们拿着这些钱去买股票基金或者债券的手续费又该由谁来支付呢?当然是交割费啦……所以我认为这个操作只是从一种形式上的转变而已,并没有增加额外的负担或成本什么的,因此没有必要把这部分资金单独划出来区分一下……否则就是给自己找麻烦! 如果觉得我说得有道理就请点赞支持一下吧!谢谢!
